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Do you feel like Job? Be Honest about Doubts

Yet another thing to worry about  

Last June I wrote a reflection on the book of Job.  In that I said that I felt a bit like Job, just when you think enough is enough something else lands on you!  Quite frankly I feel like that again at the moment but I have revisited Job as we are studying it in house group and it is so good to be back together again.

When life falls apart…

One of the thoughts that I have taken from this is that the message from the book of Job is very relevant for those whose lives have fallen apart in the last year.  As we start mixing with more people and probably have new people coming into our churches we can proclaim God's hope for us all and that when all else fails our complete dependence on God is our sustainer of everything.

Be honest about doubts

 For us as Christians, in the present time we need to be honest about our doubts and, maybe, even dare to argue with God.  This can be a way of inner healing and deeper faith.  We can all work towards having the unshakeable faith of Job. For us as Christians, in the present time we need to be honest about our doubts and, maybe, even dare to argue with God.  This can be a way of inner healing and deeper faith.  We can all work towards having the unshakeable faith of Job.

 Comfort in distress and anxiety


There are so many Bible verses that can be comforting in times of distress and anxiety but I will share three of my favourite ones at the moment.

1 Peter 5 v.7. Give all your worries and cares to God for He cares about you.

Psalm 39 v.7. Lord, where do I put my hope?  My only hope is in you.

2 Corinthians 12 v.9.  Jesus said "My grace is all you need, my power works best in weakness"

Find a listener

Job had long discussions with his friends and if you are struggling in any way try and find someone who will listen to you.  I know I can feel better for just speaking my fears aloud.

 God is a great listener

 If no one is around when you need to talk God is always there.  He won't be sleeping or too busy to listen to you.  Endurance, perseverance and faith are key words in Job's journey and that is true for us today. 

Have a good week, and may you know God's sustaining presence in everything you do.  Amen. 




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