On Sunday 4th October we will celebrate Harvest at St Mary’s (9.30) and St Paul’s (11am). What will harvest mean this year? There is so much we want to reflect on.
One thing to include in our thanksgiving is the harvest of community love we have experienced over recent months.
So many individuals and groups have worked together to bring care to so many - in the front line and throughout our communities. It seems very appropriate that our harvest gifts at church will be for Harlow Foodbank.
The foodbank is one symbol of the community care locally, working with individuals and also schools, supermarkets, businesses, churches and front-line professional care agencies. It seeks to help individuals and families in crisis by providing free emergency food (by referral).
I dropped into St Paul’s recently and took this photograph of Belinda with her team that day.
Sadly the previous week had been very busy but things were quieter so far the week I dropped in. ‘Sadly’, not because it created problems for the team, but because it reflects something deeply wrong in our communities across the land. In August `Harlow foodbank provided for 311 people from its two centres at the Salvation Army and St Paul’s. We all need to take up the challenge this presents us as to how we organise society.

You are invited to bring Harvest gifts for Harlow Foodbank to St Mary’s at 9.30 or St Paul’s at 11 on Sunday 4th October. Gifts may also be brought to St Paul’s 12-2 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday from Monday 28th September. Contributions especially welcome are:
• Hot Chocolate
• Juice (long life) and Squash
• Powdered Mash Potato
• Sponge Pudding
• Deodorant (Men’s and Women’s)
• Bars of soap
• Toiletries
• Washing and Washing up liquid
• Household cleaning products
If you can check the dates are ok please that really helps.
You can find out more from the Harlow Foodbank website, including details of other items of food that are needed and also of other locations where food may be dropped off. Visit https://mrct.org.uk/foodbank/
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