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2 Minutes Read

Countdown to Christmas

Good morning,


It's Advent and the countdown to Christmas has officially begun.

The younger members of our family - and some of the adults, why not! - will already have eaten the first few chocolates out of their Advent calendars.  My seven year old granddaughter is very excited despite the fact my daughter has told her Father Christmas has a camera behind one of the spotlights in the living room  so he can see if she's naughty!  

It's amazing what tired, stressed parents can come up with.

So how is the season of Advent for you? 

So how is the season of Advent for you? When we are in Lent we try to read our Bibles more or go on a course so we can spend time with God preparing ourselves for Easter.  Do we have that same preparation for Christmas during Advent?  

This isn't a criticism, I can remember when my three children were young and I was working, there just weren't enough hours in the day.

Dark and Light

For me, being blind, I miss out on seeing the decorations, the Christmas trees and all the gifts and seasonal food in the shops but I do love all the Advent bible readings about God sending Jesus to be the light of the world.  Someone asked me if I get upset focussing on light as I live in total darkness but it is just the opposite.  

Spiritual Light

I wish I could see the Advent candles but the readings remind me that although I live in physical darkness I can always see that Spiritual light of Christ, not just at Christmas but every day of the year.

Advent Hope

So maybe as we go through Advent and you are tired and stressed, you might have health or money issues which seem to overwhelm you, just sit for ten minutes, close your eyes and look at that light of Christ which shines through any darkness.

Have a good week and remember that the light of Christ has come into the world.  Amen 



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