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An Epiphany Reflection: Light Shining in Darkness

An Epiphany Reflection on Light Shining from the Hospital

As we are still in the season of Epiphany, I thought I would share with you an Epiphany reflection written by a clergy colleague called out to a hospital, because it really resonated with me - I hope you it will speak to you too. 

A Colleague's Epiphany Reflection in the Hospital

"I’m currently at the hospital after having an early hours callout. It is now not worth me going home so I’m sitting in our break room trying to catch up on some sleep. 

"It’s still dark outside, the only light coming from the various ward windows dotted around the campus. 

"There are faint noises: the sound of maintenance vehicles far below in the courtyard, the gentle hum of the generators. There is an oddly familiar parallel with being at an airport in the early hours: life carries on, but it is more subdued, calmer. The world waits.

Light dawning

"But there is also an expectation: an expectation of what the dawning day will bring. An expectation of life beginning, life mending, life ending. The atmosphere is a curious combination of calm and heaviness, peace and fear. 

"And yet in and amidst it all, there is something else that pervades: care, compassion and that oft thrown around word - love. 

Light shining in the Hospital

"It is an atmosphere of love that surrounds this place. The love of staff devoting life and career in their ministries of care. 

"The care of nurses seeking syringe drivers for patients approaching their earthly end, the care of the doctor in the middle of his on-calls who smiles at me in the restaurant as he grabs a quick breakfast.  The care of the maintenance and cleaning staff, without whom the place - and we - could not function. The care of relatives, anxiously waiting at the bedside vigil of a loved one as they pass from this world to the next.

There is light in the Hospital: light shining in darkness.

"And so in the darkness of life and in the literal darkness of the morning, there is light. 

And how fitting that today is Epiphany, when the world sees the light from the manger, shining into even the darkest of nights."

An Epiphany Reflection: Light Shining

Whether you believe or not, whether you have faith or not, may you get a glimpse of that light reflecting and light shining from others, and may you have a chance to reflect that light to someone this day. May there be light shining through you.


Jokey x

(Reflection reproduced with kind permission of Revd James Pacey) 

One hospital where light shine: PAH in Harlow



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