There is much talk of resilience at the moment. One way we can find this is to engage with the ways Christians in the past have found strength. The way of Jesus is not an easy way, and we should not pray for an easy way. After all, Christ died on a cross. But we can follow his example, and can find strength as he did.
Here is a lovely prayer from Evelyn Underhill, so closely associated with the Diocesan House of Retreat at Pleshey:
“Give us light, O Lord, that contemplating the love and patience of Jesus and His saints, we may be changed into love and patience. Take from us by contemplation of their example, all selfishness. Take from us all softness, cowardice and timidity, all self-love. Give us a spirit of courage, of surrendered trust, so that we may be willing to spend ourselves and to be spent, for the sake of your children, in union with your self-giving love. Amen”
Evelyn Underhill, Meditations and Prayers

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