At the moment there seems to be a lot of talk about the possibility of having a holiday this year. This makes me think of my childhood when my family lived on the Kent coast. I would stay with my cousins for the six week holiday and we would spend every day on the beach and I think this is where my love of the sea came from.

One of the things on my "wish list" of what I wanted to do before I lost my sight was to have a day at the seaside. Unfortunately Covid meant I wasn't able to do this but I will try this year as I can still enjoy the sound and smell of the sea and feel the sand and the water.
Our incomparable God rules over the surging seas
When we used to go to Spring Harvest I would love to walk along the beach after a seminar and it would make me feel close to God. The sea is so powerful yet God can control it. Psalm 89 v.9 says "the heavens praise God's wonders. Our incomparable God rules over the surging seas, when the waves mount up He stills them". v.11. " He made it all, owns it all and manages it all for our enjoyment and His glory". v.15-16. "With the love of our Father we can walk in the light of His presence. God remains mighty in power and merciful in His dealings with us. We can rejoice in His name all day long".
God holds us as the waves of the sea rise and fall
I find it very reassuring to know that whatever obstacles we face or how many setbacks we have to endure God holds us as the waves rise and fall. He gives us peace, courage and confidence in His continual presence with us.
May every day be a Holy Day (the root of Holiday)
Have a good week and may you know God's presence in everything you do. Amen.
Wendy Coxhill
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