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He is here with me - though I am overwhelmed

Good morning


While I have been ill I have seen God working through so many people, mostly NHS staff who are overworked and tired.

The Surgeon

Firstly there was the NHS surgeon who came and sat on my bed on the night of my surgery and just put his arm around me and sat quietly with me which meant more than any words. 

The Health Care Assistant

Then there was the NHS health care assistant who came every morning to feed me my breakfast and before she left she washed my face, cleaned my teeth and combed my hair.

I thanked her for doing this and her reply was when she was a child in Jamaica and her grandma was ill they were the things she wanted so now when she was with anyone who was seriously iIl she did it to honour her grandma.

The Paramedic

Lastly, one night at about 2am I was in so much pain I had to use my panic button.  A NHS paramedic arrived in less than ten minutes and gave me an injection.  He said I won't leave until you are asleep.  While he was sorting his bag out he asked if I was all right and I said I was praying.  He said so am I and can I pray with you. 

I don't know what he prayed or how long he stayed because the next thing I knew it was morning and I had slept through the night.  I don't know what you think about angels but I am fairly certain one was with me that night.

Keep Our Eyes Open

Matthew ch.25 v.35-40 kept coming into my mind, Jesus said.....  "When I was sick you looked after me .... truly I tell you whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me". 

It made me wonder if when we are busy we miss those around us who are engaged in Christlike acts - in the NHS and elsewhere. We need to keep our eyes open.

A verse

I'm going to finish with a verse from the hymn we have been singing in church for the past few weeks which has really spoken to me


An overwhelmed soul: but He is with me

Though the dead of night overwhelms my soul

He is here with me,  I am not alone

O His love is sure and He knows my name

For my God is the ancient of days. 


Have a good week and I hope to see you all soon.  Wendy.



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