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Hope for a Happy New Year - Spring is Coming

Christ is Always There, Silently at Work in this New Year 

How was Christmas?

How was Christmas?  I was lucky enough one year to go with my 5 year old granddaughter to her first pantomime.  On the way there she told me every time she saw a Christmas tree and I could hear the excitement in her voice.  Once the panto started she was singing, dancing, laughing and booing at the villain. 

She sounded full of happiness and wonder. It made me think if we were like that when we heard the nativity story this year or are we all just tired.  It has been a time of uncertainty and we still don't know if our lives will ever get back to anything resembling pre-covid but God remains constant. Christ is always there with us even if we are not always aware of His presence. 

Christ is always there with us

Christ is always there with us, just as :"Christ" is always in the word "Christmas".

Even though it is winter I still like to get out into my garden when it is not raining.  The garden sounds very different to the summer months, much quieter. 

It is almost as if someone has pressed my garden's pause button. Can I find hope for a happy new year in such a quiet and still place? Is there yet life in my garden? It can seem very dead.

Creation - and God - never sleep. Spring is coming

Spring is Coming

But the other day I was checking my plant pots and I could feel the tips of the spring bulbs just breaking through the surface.  Spring is coming. Creation does not sleep, we just can't always see what is happening and that is like our relationship with God.  We are not always conscious of God’s working within us when times are hard but Christ is always there with us -  bringing hope for a happy new year. Jesus is described as "Emmanuel" in the Christmas story. Emmanuel means :"God with us".

New Year Resolutions - for Spring is Coming

Have you made any plans for 2022?  Do you have hope for a happy new year? My illness has taught me not to aim too high and then be disappointed when I can't achieve what I want to do.  Of course we can dream but if we complete even the smallest task we can feel satisfied and give thanks to God. Remembering that spring is coming helps with every such task. Christ is always there.

Hope for a Happy New Year and God

It feels that the start of this year is very much like last year and nothing has progressed but God is like those spring bulbs working away under the surface.  Spring is coming. God will lead Christ’s people out of this wilderness; God has done so before! 

"How silently the Wondrous Gift is Given"

In God’s time the Spirit of Christ will enable us to blossom. Christ is always there  But for now God will strengthen and sustain us and we should give Christ the thanks and praise God deserves.

All things bright and beautiful 

All creatures great and small  ....

He gave us eyes to see them

And lips that we might tell

How great is God Almighty

Who has made all things well.

Hope for a Happy New Year - Christ is always there 

Wishing you a happy, healthy and peaceful new year and may you know God's presence with you. Be full of hope for a happy new year. 

Spring is Coming - Christ is always there 

Remember that Spring is coming. God gives us hope. For Christ is always there, even when silently at work.

God bless you all.   Amen

Love, Wendy



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