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I wonder... 

Good morning

Panto season

I hope you are managing to stay safe and warm.  Recently I went to the Playhouse with my daughter, son-in-law and six year old granddaughter to see Cinderella. 

Some may wonder why I would go to the theatre when I cannot see but I can still enjoy the music and atmosphere but what I enjoyed most was listening to my granddaughter cheering, booing and laughing.  I could feel her excitement.

Wonder and Excitement

I have been thinking about this and wondering why, as adults, we lose so much of that childhood excitement. 

Not long ago we heard again the Christmas story. 

Do we just accept it as something very familiar that we hear every year or does it still excite us.

Image by upklyak on Freepik

They wondered...

There is the generosity of the innkeeper finding a shelter for Mary, the confusion of the shepherds as they are given the task of spreading the news of Jesus' birth, the wonder of seeing the angels proclaiming "glory to God in the highest and peace to His people on earth". 

Letting the wonder sink in - and not just at panto season

After all this do we then feel compassion for the homeless, teenage girl giving birth in the squalor of that stable and do we share her joy of a mother looking down with love on her newborn baby.

God with us - Emmanuel

So maybe we can feel a little of that childhood wonder as we remember Emmanuel, God with us - all the year round, not just in panto season.

If this doesn't excite us nothing will! Let the wonder sink in.

Have a good week, stay safe and may you know God's love and peace. Amen

Love, Wendy



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