Let’s celebrate Christmas and bring gladness to the heart of Harlow! Let’s decorate
St Pauls Church inside and out!
Big items and small It’s a big building with lots of windows, flat roofs and some high parts.
Plenty of space and place for
Theme: Christmas!
Would you like to take part?
Please Visit Our Dedicated Page
And let us know
⁃ Item you would like to install
⁃ What sort of space you need (eg inside, flat roof, window etc.)
⁃ how much space you need (eg footage, number of windows etc)
⁃ Whether it needs electricity (please note: power limited
- we are working to upgrade; batteries best)
⁃ How long you need to install it
There is no charge but you would be responsible for the setting up, installation etc. We will seek to support you as much as possible
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