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How are you at listening? 

How are you at listening? Not just listening to music or the general sounds around you but really listening to another person. When we are an attentive listener we show that they matter and their opinions count.

Be quick to listen

James 1 v.19 says "my dear friends take note of this - everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry". Proverbs 18 v.13. To answer before listening, that is folly and shame.

Listening is very important to me

Listening is very important to me. I cannot see people's faces and can tell their moods and reactions by the change in their voices. When we listen to others we demonstrate patience and show that we are willing to share in their thought processes as they think out loud.

Jesus listens

Jesus spent so much time listening and not just talking - He had so much to say but made space for others to talk. He also listened to those who others had cast out. The woman at the well, children, the sick, beggars, sinners and so many others.

God is the best listener of all

Most of us have those people we sometimes avoid, particularly if we are busy, because we know they will keep us talking for ages but, be patient, one of the worst things about loneliness is having nobody to talk to. Of course, God is always there and He is the best listener of all but we need human contact particularly in the hard times.

Sometimes it is best to say nothing

To be told you are a good listener is a great compliment because it shows you care for others and that you can be trusted. Sometimes the best thing to do is say nothing and just listen.

Have a good week and enjoy those hugs but keep safe. Over the last few months I have needed a hug so badly but I will try and exercise some self-control - not easy for me!

May you know God's presence in all you do. 

Amen Wendy Coxhill 



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