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Good morning 

So there is some let up in the restrictions. Most of the country seems to be queuing outside Primark but some people are glad to see the gyms reopening. I know for many this is an aid to their mental and physical health but even if you do lift weights to strengthen your muscles some of the weights we carry are too much for anyone to bear alone. 

Prayer is refusing to carry everything ourselves, it is the practice of loading the things that are too heavy for us onto the shoulders of Jesus. When we do this we find there is not a burden or situation that He wasn't already carrying. 

 1 John 4 v.13. John is writing this letter because the church has been badly shaken and the believers are worried. 

 John tells them they can be sure of the Holy Spirit. It is the gift of God's presence in each of our lives. 

In the parable of the sower Matthew 13 v.15 .

Jesus says that the good news sown in people's hearts can be choked with worry. 

Psalm 55 v.22. Give your burdens to the Lord and He will take care of you. Matthew 11 v.28. 

Photo by Ümit Bulut on Unsplash

 Jesus said "Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest" When we whisper our prayers for the things we carry, if we listen closely enough, we hear back the whisper that Jesus is already carrying them for us. So don't bear your own burdens, or those of others, load them on to Jesus. 

I hope that this week you will feel the lightening of the load you are carrying; and as we continue to live with uncertainty we are all carrying something, but whatever is happening around us we always have the certainty that Jesus is beside us upholding and strengthening us. 

"Are we weak and heavy laden Cumbered with a load of care Precious Saviour, still our refuge Take it to the Lord in prayer".  

Amen Wendy Coxhill    



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