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We are already in the “new normal”!

Dear friends, 

We are already in the “new normal”! 

When Christ arose from the grave on Easter Day, the new normal began. We live in the “end times” and this new normal lasts until the great New Normal when Christ returns. 

 As we live in this time awaiting his coming, his “Advent“, it is as if Christ stands at the door of history. The door is ajar and his the light of Christ streams into our world or darkness. He stands on then other side of the door. Christ’s hand is on the handle. The door is opening. We just don’t know when he will come (and he warns us to beware those who predict a time). 

Sometimes we hear the door creaking – the tumultuous times we are in are one of those creeks. Wars and rumours of wars are others. The frequent devastation of towns and cities in the days of the early church where others. 

Often we catch glimmers of the light. Every time a prayer is answered; or hope or faith or love enters someone’s heart; or God’s providence is experienced, that is a reflection of that the light streaming in the door. 

In a darkened world, you and we bear the torches of God’s light. When the door of history creaks and our world groans, you bring Hope “with a Capital H” as your point to, not the “light at the end of the tunnel“ but the light that streams in. 

Whatever the world will look like in the coming years, it will be part of what has been happening since Christ’s first coming. We are in the birthpangs of a new creation. We are those who have hoped. 

May God‘s grace be richly on you to bear that torch in your place of work, in your community, in your home, and in your heart. 

 Love, Martin  

Light of the World, by Holman Hunt (part). Christ stands at the door.



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