Good morning
How do we receive prayer?
I have been doing some work on prayer and it has made me think of how many ways we pray ourselves. How do we receive prayer and how we accept the answers to prayer?
Hesitating Before God
We come to prayer as we are and sometimes we hesitate to come to God because we feel unworthy. Our tears are prayers and matter as much, if not more, than words can say.
Our hearts more than our words
God is more concerned about the hearts we bring than the words we say. Psalm 42:3 “My tears have been my food day and night”. Do not hesitate before God.
Healing Prayer - Do You Hesitate Before God
For the psalmist the place of weeping was also the place of hunger and thirst for God. James 5:14, “Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord”.
Do not hesitate to ask for this.
God answers in all manner of ways - God hears you
It is absolutely right to request prayer and to pray but God may well answer prayer through the help of a medical or other professional. Prayer is without doubt, my mainstay for strength to get through each day.
But at the moment I am having some counselling which is hard but is beginning to help me. This is part of God's answer to my prayers.
Healing Prayer?
Prayer for healing, both for those praying and receiving, is probably the most challenging form of prayer. There is this unconscious belief that healing will take place immediately.
I have been asked on more than one occasion about how I feel that God doesn’t answer the prayers for my healing.
Daily Answers to Prayer
God most definitely does answer those prayers on a daily basis. God hears you and me.
According to my doctors I shouldn’t be able to get out of bed or lead any sort of independent life but I do this almost every day in the power of God.
Faith is not pretending that we are completely well when we are not but trusting God and being honest about the real state of our lives.
When it's hard... not hesitate before God. So if you are finding things hard at the moment don't for one moment think you are not in the right frame of mind to pray even if you can’t find the right words. God will know you are in His presence.
Your prayers are not always answered in the way you hope but that does not mean He hasn’t heard you and He is with you. God hears you.
God hears you
Have a good week and however you feel led to pray please be assured that God loves you and is listening to you. Do not hesitate before God.
As the deer pants for the water
so my soul longs after you…
You alone are my strength, my shield
To you alone may my spirit yield.
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