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Your Identity is Safe with God

Thinking about Identity

I struggle with identity because I know many people's first thought is that I am the person in a wheelchair or the person who is blind.  I know this is true but it is not all I am.  Others may be presumed too old, too young, a bit different or something else that they are "labelled" with. 

God's Perception

God's perception of us is different.  In Him our identity and calling remain secure.  As well as our own names God shows His love by using names like Beloved, Mine, Chosen, Son or daughter and, very importantly, accepted.  We belong to a loving God and this far outweighs any human label.


It is easy to feel isolated by our problems.  Though for many life has returned to normal, buthis is not the case for all - and for some life is never "normal". 

Hearing from God

Regular worship with your church family is so important but there are other things we can do to meet with God and be sustained. 

You can listen to Christian music and read the Bible and, of course, you can still pray for others.

You can "do church" in bite sized chunks throughout the week instead of a Sunday morning service.  Since I have been ill one of the greatest gifts I have received is the ability to hear directly from God and I think this is because I now have the time and space to really listen.

God is with us – wherever we are

There are many Bible verses about God being with us wherever we are.  Joshua 1 v.9. Do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord, your God, is with you wherever you go.  Romans 8 v.38. I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love .... not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love. 

Lastly, one of my favourite verses  Hebrews 13 v.5. God has said "I will never fail you.  I will never abandon you"

Have a good week and be assured your identity is safe with God and know that He is always with you and calling you "mine".  Amen




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